Crafting an innovative app tailored for both current clients of a mental health clinic and potential new ones.
Better Help
The primary care (within Stockholm) has received worse conditions during the past years, where the compensation for psychologist appointments has decreased a lot. Better Help are now looking for new forms of paying clients, to increase margins and the profitability. How can Better Help give better help? This project was done with five other UX design students over the course of four weeks.
During the research phase we used several methods to narrow down and identify the biggest issues.
The project resulted in a self-help app for mentall health and wellbeing, that contained free features and locked features. Users can save and categorise exercises to tailor their own self-help.
The app includes a number of free exercises to catch the users and make them use the app. The exercises are shown on a map with an end goal to increase motivation and exercises are a mix of reading, listening, watching and physical activities.
The paid exercises are of higher quality and more customized to each individual, and are available either by a subscription or by the mental health clinic's current paying customers. This section contains exercises such as CBT and couple therapy.
Paying users can ask anonymous questions to an expert that all users of the app can take part of. Answers are sorted in categories for users to choose what they want to read about. Non-paying customers can read all answers but only paying customers can send questions.
User test feedback
Easy navigation
Users found the app easy to navigate and find what they wanted in.
Variation of exercises
Varying the exercises between reading, listening, watching and physical ativities made the users more willing to follow it and experienced it mre accessible to all types of personalities.
Saving exercises
Creating a more personalized experience by saving their favorite exercises made the app more appealing to use.
I'd love to hear from you and discuss how we could work together to create more amazing digital solutions.